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Wholesale Pregnancy Tests - We are a Certified Women-Owned Small Business!

AimStick™ PBD

hCG Professional Dip Stick Type
aimstick pregnancy test

AimStep™ PBC

hCG Professional Cassette Type
aimstep pregnancy test


hCG Professional Midstream Type

Our wholesale pregnancy tests are easy, fast, highly sensitive and accurate, the Aim™ Series and Wondfo of professional early detection one-Step pregnancy tests are the preferred clinical and hospital brand for the rapid detection of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) in early stage pregnancies. All Aim brand professional hCG tests are U.S. FDA approved for OTC distribution and CLIA waived for medical and clinical laboratory in-vitro diagnostic use. 

  • Professional early detection dipstick, cassette or midstream OTC format.
  • Fast, easy to read results in less than 3 minutes.
  • Accurate at 20 mIU/ml hCG (Aimstep), most sensitive in detecting early stage pregnancies ; 25 mIU/ml hCG or 10 mIU/ml (Wondfo).
  • Clinical Studies confirm a 99% Accuracy rate when used according to instructions.
  • Room Temperature Storage, no special handling or training required.
  • Individual heat sealed foil package assures test integrity and shelf life.
  • Wholesale pregnancy tests direct costs allow for inexpensive frequent and repeated testing.
  • Combined with ovulation prediction tests, a low cost family planning strategy.
  • U.S. FDA approved and CLIA waived for professional and otc diagnostic use.


25 mIU, 20 mIU and 10 mIU products are available.  Strip tests and Midstream tests with 10 mIU are special order (call us).  Casette tests are only available in 20 or 25 mIU. Wholesale pregnancy tests and bulk pregnancy test orders can be ordered on our website or with prior approval, via purchase order by email.

These highly sensitive, professional early detection tests were manufactured for, and are available only through medical supply wholesalers primarily for physician, clinical and hospital use. For this reason, these tests are not available in retail stores and are sold only through qualified medical trade distributors direct to the public.

AimStick™ hCG PBD (protein band dipstick), AimStep™ and Aim™ Midstream OTC pregnancy test kits are visual and rapid tests for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. The detection of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in urine has proven valuable in the presumptive diagnosis of Pregnancy. This glycoprotein hormone is secreted by the developing placenta after fertilization. The hCG hormone level in the human body doubles approximately every 2.2 days during the first trimester of pregnancy. Detectable levels of hCG start at 5 mIU/ml during the first week of gestation and rise to 100,000 mIU/ml at 2 to 3 months. Values decline to 10% to l5% of peak concentrations during 2nd and 3rd trimesters. In normal circumstances, first morning urine samples approximate serum hCG levels which reach 5 to 50 mIU/ml within one(1) week of gestational age see the hCG hormone chart. Because of their high sensitivity factor (20 mIU/ml hCG or 10 mIU/ml) in detecting human hCG, these professional early detection pregnancy test kits can confirm a pregnancy as early as one (1) day after a missed menses or approximately one week(+) (8-12 days) after the moment of fertilization (conception). The Aim series of professional hCG home pregnancy test kits utilize the same proven lateral flow immunoassay method based on laboratory accepted pregnancy test procedures and are essentially identical in all respects except method of construction and sample testing. For this reason please apply the following specifics and data to all pregnancy test formats.

AimStick™ hCG PBD (protein band dipstick), AimStep™ and Aim™ Midstream OTC home pregnancy test kits are visual and rapid tests for the qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. The detection of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in urine via pregnancy test has proven valuable in the presumptive diagnosis of Pregnancy. This glycoprotein hormone is secreted by the developing placenta after fertilization. The hCG hormone level in the human body doubles approximately every 2.2 days during the first trimester of pregnancy. Detectable levels of hCG start at 5 mIU/ml during the first week of gestation and rise to 100,000 mIU/ml at 2 to 3 months. Values decline to 10% to l5% of peak concentrations during 2nd and 3rd trimesters. In normal circumstances, first morning urine samples approximate serum hCG levels which reach 5 to 50 mIU/ml within one(1) week of gestational age see the hCG hormone chart. Because of their high sensitivity factor (20 mIU/ml hCG) in detecting human hCG, these professional early detection home pregnancy test kits can confirm a pregnancy as early as one (1) day after a missed menses or approximately one week(+) (8-12 days) after the moment of fertilization (conception). The Aim series of professional hCG home pregnancy test kits utilize the same proven lateral flow immunoassay method based on laboratory accepted pregnancy test procedures and are essentially identical in all respects except method of construction and sample testing. For this reason please apply the following specifics and data to all pregnancy test formats.

AimStick™ hCG PBD (Protein Band Dipstick), AimStep™ cassette and Aim™ Midstream OTC tests are rapid qualitative tests to detect the presence of hCG in urine. These pregnancy tests utilize a combination of monoclonal and polyclonal antibody reagents to selectively detect elevated levels of hCG in urine. The pregnancy test strips contain monoclonal hCG colored conjugate and polyclonal anti-hCG coated on a membrane. The assay is conducted by dipping the test into the urine specimen and observing for the formation of colored bands. The urine specimen migrates via capillary action along the membrane and reacts with the colored conjugate. Positive specimens react with the specific antibody-hCG-colored conjugate and form a colored band on the specimen portion of the membrane. Absence of this colored band suggests a negative result. To serve as a procedural control, a colored band at the Control Zone will always appear regardless of the presence or absence of hCG.


AIM Professional and One-Step (Wondfo) early detection early pregnancy test kits are wholesale pregnancy tests, not sold at retail and are only available through medical and pharmaceutical supply wholesalers, sold as bulk pregnancy tests. The table below indicates the three (3) different formats (dipstick, cassette and midstream) of the AIM Professional Brand of pregnancy test kits are available in various sale units. Each individual home pregnancy test device is hermetically sealed in a glassine foil pouch to ensure quality of performance and extended shelf life. A transfer pipette is included with the cassette version for an easy pregnancy test at home. All sales units include complete test instructions and informational guides. Test format is a matter of individual preference as all formats yield identical performance (precision) and result accuracy (specificity).

  • aimstriphcgxs
    Aimstick hCG PBD STRIP Test (20mIU) / FIVE THOUSAND (5000) Tests$2,000.00
  • AimStick hCG PBD STRIP Test (20mIU) / ONE THOUSAND (1000) Test Pack$420.00
  • AimStick hCG PBD STRIP Test (20mIU) / FIVE HUNDRED (500) Test Pack$225.00
  • AimStick hCG PBD STRIP test (20mIU) /TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (250) Test Pack$120.00
  • AimStick hCG PBD STRIP Test (20mIU) /ONE HUNDRED (100) Test Pack$50.00
  • AimStick hCG PBD STRIP Test (20mIU) /THIRTY (30) Test Pack$30.00
  • AimStick hCG PBD STRIP Test (20mIU) /TWELVE (12) Test Pack$35.90
  • AimStick hCG PBD STRIP Test (20mIU) /SIX (6) Test Pack$19.90
  • AimStick hCG PBD STRIP Test (20mIU) /THREE (3) Test Pack$11.90
  • AimStick hCG PBD STRIP Test (20mIU) /TWO (2) Test Pack$7.90
  • AimStep hCG CASSETTE test (20mIU) /ONE THOUSAND (1000) Test Pack$600.00
  • AimStep hCG CASSETTE test (20mIU) /FIVE HUNDRED (500) Test Pack$350.00
  • AimStep hCG CASSETTE test (20mIU) /TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (250) Test Pack$200.00
  • AimStep hCG CASSETTE Test (20mIU) /ONE HUNDRED (100) Test Pack$83.00
  • AimStep hCG CASSETTE Test (20mIU) /THIRTY (30) Test Pack$34.50
  • AimStep hCG CASSETTE Test (20mIU) /TWELVE (12) Test Pack$39.90
  • AimStep hCG CASSETTE Test (20mIU) /SIX (6) Test Pack$22.90
  • AimStep hCG CASSETTE Test (20mIU) /TWO (2) Test Pack$9.90
  • hCG Cassette 25iMU Wondfo
    hCG CASSETTE Test (25mIU) / ONE THOUSAND (1000) Test Pack $500.00
  • hCG Cassette 25iMU Wondfo
    hCG CASSETTE Test (25mIU) / FIVE HUNDRED (500) Test Pack $325.00
  • hCG Cassette 25iMU Wondfo
    hCG CASSETTE Test (25mIU) / TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (250) Test Pack$187.50
  • hCG Cassette 25iMU Wondfo
    hCG CASSETTE Test (25mIU) / ONE HUNDRED (100) Test Pack$79.00
  • hCG Cassette 25iMU Wondfo
    hCG CASSETTE Test (25mIU) / THIRTY (30) Test Pack$30.00
  • hCG Cassette 25iMU Wondfo
    hCG CASSETTE Test (25mIU) / TWELVE (12) Test Pack$36.00
  • hCG Cassette 25iMU Wondfo
    hCG CASSETTE Test (25mIU) / SIX (6) Test Pack$20.90
  • hCG Cassette 25iMU Wondfo
    hCG CASSETTE Test (25mIU) / TWO (2) Tests$9.00
  • hCG-Midstream-Wondfo-white-label
    MIDSTREAM OTC "white label" hCG /FIVE HUNDRED (500) Test Pack$350.00
  • hCG-Midstream-Wondfo-white-label
    MIDSTREAM OTC "white label" hCG /TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (250) Test Pack$187.50
  • hCG-Midstream-Wondfo-white-label
    MIDSTREAM OTC "white label" hCG /ONE HUNDRED (100) Test Pack$82.00
  • hCG-Midstream-Wondfo-white-label
    MIDSTREAM OTC "white label" hCG /THIRTY (30) Test Pack$33.60
  • hCG-Midstream-Wondfo-white-label
    MIDSTREAM OTC "white label" hCG /TWELVE (12) Test Pack$39.84
  • hCG-Midstream-Wondfo-white-label
    MIDSTREAM OTC "white label" hCG /SIX (6) Test Pack$23.40
  • hCG-McKesson
    MIDSTREAM OTC Boxed hCG /FIVE HUNDRED (500) Test Pack$450.00
  • hCG-McKesson
    MIDSTREAM OTC Boxed hCG /TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (250) Test Pack$237.50
  • hCG-McKesson
    MIDSTREAM OTC Boxed hCG /ONE HUNDRED (100) Test Pack$105.00
  • hCG-McKesson
    MIDSTREAM OTC Boxed hCG /THIRTY (30) Test Pack$40.50
  • hCG-McKesson
    MIDSTREAM OTC Boxed hCG /TWELVE (12) Test Pack$42.90
  • hCG-McKesson
    MIDSTREAM OTC Boxed hCG /SIX (6) Test Pack$24.90