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Cholesterol FAQ

Home Cholesterol Tests Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is cholesterol?

A. Cholesterol is naturally produced by your liver and helps carry fat to parts of your body that need it for energy and repairs. When your cholesterol rises above the desirable level, it may build up in your body and may put you at increased risk for heart disease or stroke. Cholesterol levels can be high because of your diet, the amount of exercise you get and your family history.

Q. Why is cholesterol important?

A. High cholesterol is one of the main risk factors for coronary heart disease that you can control. A risk factor is a habit, trait or condition in a person that may cause a greater chance of developing a disease or chronic health problem. Other risk factors for heart disease that you can control are high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, being overweight and not exercising. Heart disease risk factors that you cannot control include diabetes, being male, or having a family history of heart disease. The National Cholesterol Education Program recommends that all adults age 20 and over have their cholesterol measured.

Q. What if my cholesterol reading is high?

A. If you have concerns about your result, it is best to consult with a medical professional. However, remember these important points. Any one cholesterol reading is never final because cholesterol can change from day to day and in response to several factors, such as weight loss, illness or stress.
Cholesterol is a risk factor that can be controlled. Many studies show that cholesterol is a risk factor that may be lowered by exercise and diet. Other factors that you can control include high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, being overweight and lack of exercise.
Any decisions about your risk factor for heart disease should not be made until you have had an exam by your doctor.

Q. How accurate is the Venture cholesterol test?

A. Controlled laboratory tests using the Venture Cholesterol Test resulted is a specificity factor or accuracy rate of 97% when test procedures were strictly followed. In this regard, the test is as accurate as tests performed in physicians offices and medical labs. In fact, the Venture Cholesterol Test is widely distributed on a professional basis to the healthcare trade.

Q. What can I do to insure I'll get an accurate reading with the Venture Cholesterol test?

A. Follow these important suggestions:

  • Read all the directions before you begin. and follow them carefully.
  • Be sure to find a quiet place to sit and relax for 5 minutes before beginning the test to stabilize your cholesterol level.
  • Wait for the alcohol from the swab to completely dry before using the lancet device.
  • Discard the first drop of blood from your finger because it might contain skin contaminates other substances that could affect the test result.
  • Fill the test sample well to the black fill circle completely. For best results, fill the sample well as quickly as possible.
  • Wait 2 to 4 minutes after filling the sample well before pulling the test activation tab to allow the sample to filter completely into the test device.

Q. What does the purple color in the "O.K." indicator and the green color in the "END" indicator mean?

A. The purple "O.K." color means the test has begun to work and is proceeding normally. The green "END" color means the test is finished developing and the test result number can be read at the top of the purple bar in the measurement scale.

Q. Can both indicators change color without giving me a correct reading?

A. Yes, both indicators may still work even if you did not follow the directions exactly. A false result may occur if:

  • The Blood Sample Well was not filled completely to the black fill circle.
  • More than 5 minutes elapsed before completing the filling of the Blood Sample Well.
  • You did not wait at least 2 minutes before pulling out the plastic test activation tab.
  • You performed the test in direct sunlight.

Q. Do I need to fast before I take the test or perform it at a specific time of day?

A. No. You can test yourself at any time, no fasting or special dietary restrictions are necessary for accurate results. When testing, you should try to perform the test at approximately the same time of day and under the same conditions (including lighting) that you performed your last test. This will help minimize the possibility of non test associated factors skewing test results.

Q. If I choose to repeat the test, what does it mean if my cholesterol level is different?

A. Cholesterol levels can vary day to day with each person. Normally you want to use an average of test results over a given time period (e.g., 6 months).

Q. Can the results from one Venture Home Cholesterol test erroneously place me in the wrong cholesterol classification group? For example, Borderline-high instead of High Risk?

A. Yes, especially if your result places you near the cut-off range of the groups. Because cholesterol levels do vary from day to day, the National Cholesterol Education Program recommends that at least two to three results be averaged before a person is classified. For example, in consumer studies, where only one test was done, the Venture Cholesterol Test placed 13% of the people in a lower group than the laboratory test and 8% of the people in a higher group than the laboratory test. These results are similar to results from other laboratory studies where only one test was done. For this reason, our kits contain multiple tests.

Q. Will common foods, alcohol, prescription or other medications affect my test result?

A. Generally, No. Most substances will not interfere with the test. However, large doses of Vitamin C or Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol) could produce results with a false bias to a low reading

Q. What can I do to make the blood drawing process easier?

A. Follow these suggestions:

  • Make sure your finger is warm and callus-free.
  • Use the side of your fingertip not the pad as the target site, it is a far less sensitive area.
  • Make sure the alcohol on your skin is dry before using the lancet to prevent stinging.
  • Keep your hand below your heart before testing. You should let your arm completely relax and hang down at your side for a minimum of 30 seconds.
  • Rub you hands together to increase skin temperature and circulation.
  • Have someone else prick your finger with the lancet. (By far the most effective)